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May, 2014  // Posts published in May, 2014

IMO’s decision on Nitrogen emissions from ships provides a clearer framework for the Maritime Industry

May 15th, 2014 With the active involvement of the HELCOM member states including all Baltic Sea countries, the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 66) has agreed last Friday on a compromise on the implementation dates of existing as well as future Nitrogen Oxide Emission Control Areas (NOx ECAs) under the MARPOL […]


Supreme Court upholds EPA rule to reduce cross-state pollution

Los Angeles, CA – April 29th, 2014 The Supreme Court handed the Obama administration a significant victory on an environmental issue, with a 6-2 decision that upholds a regulation requiring Midwestern states with coal-fired power plants to reduce harmful emissions that drift to the East Coast and mid-Atlantic.